




I went to my favorite mountain fields today. Of course, I was hoping to do some birdwatching, but I was also looking forward to the snowscape, especially the rime ice scenery.

When I arrived at the site, it was a world of minus 5 degrees Celsius. Although I had expected it to some extent, unfortunately, there was no rime ice at all.

It was too cold to see much bird activity, but I unexpectedly found signs of spring in an unexpected place, and this encounter made my trip out in the cold worthwhile.

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山のフィールドでの出合い|Encounters in the Mountain Fields

花鳥風月…『花』|Beauties of Nature-Flowers

ミツマタ|Paper Bush


I get the impression that they endure the cold relentlessly until spring in this bud form.

ネコヤナギ|Rosegold Pussy Willows


The moment I came across this Japanese pussy willow in a snow-covered field, I felt the breath of spring and my spirits were lifted.


The Japanese pussy willow is a deciduous tree that grows throughout Japan. Its flowering catkins that appear from March to April are charmingly tail-like, resembling a cat’s tail, and it is used as a garden tree and in flower arrangements. The flowers are shaped like a tail covered in silky hairs, and bloom before the leaves.

花鳥風月…『風』|Beauties of Nature-Landscapes


I thought it would be sunny according to the weather forecast, but it was cloudy and I was disappointed that I couldn’t see the expected frost. However, suddenly the blue sky appeared near the ridge, so I captured the wintery atmosphere with my lens for bird photography.

公園での出合い|Encounters in the Park

花鳥風月…『花』|Beauties of Nature-Flowers

梅|Plum blossoms

花鳥風月…『鳥』|Beauties of Nature-Birds

ジョウビタキ|Daurian Redstart



カンムリカイツブリ|Great Crested Grebe

アオサギ|Gray Heron



I finished shooting in the mountain field after about an hour and a half, and when I went to the usual park, it was 4 degrees Celsius and the air felt quite cold. However, only the area where the plum blossoms were blooming in the park had an atmosphere as if spring had come early, and people came one after another to appreciate the plum blossoms.

