Photo Walking with Nikon Z7II and Leica Lens-No.2
It is possible to attach a Leica M-mount lens and shoot without any issues by using a mount adapter that has autofocus capability on Nikon’s Z-mount mirrorless camera.
Moreover, by using an adapter that converts to the M-mount, it’s also possible to use Zeiss lenses for the Contax and other lenses on a Z-mount camera.
What a remarkable advancement in technology this is!
For now, I will try it out with the Leica lens.
機材のシステム|Photography Equipment
This is how a Leica lens is mounted on a Nikon camera using a mount adapter.

今日のレンズ:ズミルックス(Summilux)35mm F1.4 第2世代 ※ブラックモデル ※製造年1967~1995年
Today’s lens: Summilux 35mm F1.4 second generation, black model manufactured between 1967 and 1995

This Leica lens has a unique characteristic where the rendering changes dramatically depending on the aperture value.
It produces an attractive soft and blurred rendering when used wide open, while becoming surprisingly sharp when stopped down.
Different F values allow for various types of rendering, but contrast decreases when used wide open, and flares and ghosts can occur when strong light sources are present.
While some people evaluate it as a lens that can’t be used due to severe aberrations, there are also many avid users.
If you are someone who likes distinctive lenses, I believe it is worth trying it out at least once.
作例|Sample Photos
撮影にあたっては絞り値は主にF5.6を用いました。【Photo Walking with Nikon Z7II and Leica Lens-No.1】で述べたのと同じ理由です。
In shooting, I mainly used an aperture value of F5.6 for the same reason I mentioned in “Photo Walking with Nikon Z7II and Leica Lens-No.1.”
However, the lens’s biggest feature is its rendering when used wide open, so in order to show the differences in rendering between the wide-open aperture and other F values, I took some shots within the range of F1.4 to F5.6.
Regarding retouching, I only made slight adjustments to the white balance and exposure as needed.
Samples of the same subject taken at F1.4 to F5.6 for comparison

その他の作例|Other Samples

I did some regular retouching on the above shot, which is one of my favorites. The result is the image below.

I purchased a Leica camera about 35 years ago because I wanted to use this lens.
Now in 2023, I can use this lens with autofocus on Nikon’s mirrorless camera, and if I use a camera that can use a shutter speed of 1/8000 second, I can shoot with an aperture value of F1.4 on a sunny day.
Thanks to the progress of various technologies, I will have exponentially more opportunities to use this unique lens, which is like a spirited horse.
Thank you for reading until the end.
Please refer to this article below.