The Brown-eared Bulbul of the Day-No.1

☆留 鳥・漂 鳥

During today’s birdwatching, I came across a scene where a bulbul was eating camellia nectar and pecking at tree nuts, so I observed and took pictures.

Unfortunately, it was a cloudy day, so the photos didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped, but I hope they serve as a clue to understanding the bulbul’s ecology.

I would be happy if this brings joy to fans of the bulbul.

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About the Brown-eared Bulbul

The brown-eared bulbul(personally, I feel like ‘the brown-cheeked bulbul’ is a more appropriate expression.), characterized by its messy head, has a total length of 27.5cm.

It is a bird with an overall gray appearance. Its favorite food includes flower nectar and fruit, which are remnants of its tropical ancestral habitat.

Nowadays, it also eats insects, grass leaves, and buds, but when flowers bloom, it comes to suck nectar.

In Tokyo, until around 1970, it was a winter bird that migrated in October and left in April. However, it has now become a resident bird that lives there year-round.

It is believed that this is due to birds that previously lived further south moving north.

Additionally, even now, many bulbul birds migrate from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu in the autumn.

Although the bulbul bird lives throughout Japan, it is a resident bird on southern islands such as the Ogasawara and Okinawa islands.

As a result, several subspecies with unique color changes, including a stronger brown hue, are known to exist.

Photos of the Day featuring the Bulbul

The area around the bulbul’s beak is covered in camellia pollen.

The bulbul seems delighted to be surrounded by so many fruits.

Thank You for Reading.

