March 2023 Calendar Wallpapers for Bird Lovers Around the World
配布サイズはアスペクト比[16:9]の【1920×1080】ピクセルで作っていますが、同じアスペクト比の【1600×900】サイズと【1366×768】サイズにも”縮小表示”させてご利用いただけます。 高画質で制作していますので、【2560×1440】に拡大表示させても多少解像度の低下は当然ありますが、事実上大きな問題なくご利用いただけるのではないかと思います。(私自身もデスクトップPCではそのような使い方をしています。)
I use calendar wallpapers on my PC monitor instead of a paper calendar. I make the calendar wallpapers every month using seasonal materials that I have taken myself.
Since I put effort into creating these calendar wallpapers, I would like to share them with others and hope that you find them useful.
Here, I have posted calendar wallpapers of “birds” from this season. In another article, I provide calendar wallpapers of “flowers, landscapes, and moon series”.
Of course, they’re free, so please use them if you like.
The distribution size is [16:9] aspect ratio [1920×1080] pixels, but you can also “reduce display” and use it for the same aspect ratio [1600×900] size and [1366×768] size.
I have made all the wallpapers in high quality, so even if you enlarge them to [2560×1440], there will be some loss of resolution naturally, but I think you can use them without any major problems in practice. (I use them that way on my desktop PC.)

The image below is a sample image. By clicking on the sample image, the original calendar wallpaper will be displayed. Please download it from there.
- ”花鳥風月”カレンダー壁紙…『鳥』|Wallpapers of Birds
- アカハラ|Red-bellied Thrush
- アオジ|Black-faced Bunting
- エナガ|Long-tailed Tit
- ゴジュウカラ|Nuthatch
- ヒガラ|Coal Tit
- ヒヨドリ|Brown-eared Bulbul
- ジョウビタキ|Daurian Redstart
- カンムリカイツブリ|Great Crested Gebe
- カワセミ|Kingfisher
- コゲラ|Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
- メジロ|Japanese white-eye
- ミソサザイ|Eurasian Wren
- モズ|Bull-headed Shrike
- ルリビタキ|Red-flanked Bluetail
- シジュウカラ|Great Tit
- シロハラ|Pale Thrush
- ウグイス|Japanese Bush Warbler
- ヤマガラ|Varied Tit
- あとがき|Wrap-UP
”花鳥風月”カレンダー壁紙…『鳥』|Wallpapers of Birds
アカハラ|Red-bellied Thrush

アオジ|Black-faced Bunting

エナガ|Long-tailed Tit


ヒガラ|Coal Tit

ヒヨドリ|Brown-eared Bulbul

ジョウビタキ|Daurian Redstart

カンムリカイツブリ|Great Crested Gebe


コゲラ|Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

メジロ|Japanese white-eye

ミソサザイ|Eurasian Wren

モズ|Bull-headed Shrike

ルリビタキ|Red-flanked Bluetail

シジュウカラ|Great Tit

シロハラ|Pale Thrush

ウグイス|Japanese Bush Warbler

ヤマガラ|Varied Tit

I compile the “Flowers, Birds, Landscapes, and Moon Calendar Wallpapers” by selecting from my latest works (photographed in the previous month) and digging up past photographs taken during the same month.
The aspect ratio of the calendar wallpaper is [16:9], suitable for widescreen monitors, and I provide a “2-month type” calendar.
I do birdwatching about five times a week, and since there are many flowers blooming in the birding fields, I inevitably have many opportunities to take pictures of birds and flowers. However, I aim to create calendar wallpapers that feature as much of the “Flowers, Birds, Landscapes, and Moon” as possible.
I would be delighted if nature lovers, who appreciate nature photography of flowers, birds, and natural landscapes, could make use of these calendar wallpapers.
Thank you for reading.