Impressed by the Dynamic Scenes of the Daurian Redstart!
After taking many unremarkable photos of the small birds that I usually see, towards the end of today’s bird-watching walk, I suddenly came across a male Daurian Redstart in a photogenic moment, as he was pecking at nuts. This encounter lifted my spirits and allowed me to take photos with excitement.

The rounded corners indicate that the image has been cropped. The image displayed without rounded corners is the original, uncropped version.
花鳥風月…『鳥』|Beauties of Nature:Birds
ジョウビタキ|Daurian Redstart

When Daurian redstarts peck at nuts, it is not unusual for them to assume an acrobatic posture like this. In fact, it can be considered a normal behavior for them.

When birds close their nictitating membrane, it can make them look a bit mean or malicious.

This male looks as if he is boasting, “I caught it!”

“Now that my stomach is full, I think I’ll just chillax for a while.”

シロハラ|Pale Thrush

エナガ|Long-tailed Tit

コゲラ|Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

メジロ|Japanese White-eye

Japanese white-eyes often look stern or serious, perhaps due to their sharp-eyed appearance. However, I must admit I’m not fond of this expression.

シジュウカラ|Great Tit

ウグイス|Japanese bush warbler
I couldn’t take any clear photos of the Japanese bush warbler since it was far away, but I’ll post them as a so-called “evidence photo”.

ヤマガラ|Varied Tit

As a bird enthusiast, it is truly grateful just to encounter the usual small birds. However, after photographing birds every day for many years, it’s honestly undeniable that one can get accustomed to static scenes and take them for granted, causing a decrease in the sense of awe.
When encountering a dramatic scene like today, one can feel a sense of excitement, and later realize and regret becoming too used to static scenes.
We must not forget the spirit of “ichi-go ichi-e(=once in a lifetime).”