May 2023 Calendar Wallpapers for Bird Lovers Around the World
Here is an introduction to May 2023 Calendar Wallpapers that you can use for free.
When I work in front of my PC, I use a calendar wallpaper on my monitor instead of a paper calendar. So, every month I create calendar wallpapers using materials of seasonal scenery or birds that I photographed myself.
The photos used for the material are carefully selected from my works taken in May in the past and works taken last month (April).
Since I put effort into making them, I would like to share them here so that you can use them.
This article features “Birds” calendar wallpapers, and another article provides wallpapers from the “Flower, Wind, and Moon Series.”

The image below is a sample image. By clicking on the sample image, the original calendar wallpaper will be displayed. Please download it from there.
- ”花鳥風月”カレンダー壁紙…『鳥』|Wallpapers of Birds
- ハシビロガモ|Northern Shoveler
- カワガラス|Brown Dipper
- ツバメ|Barn Swallow
- ササゴイ|Striated Heron
- エナガ|Long-Tailed Tit
- ヒガラ|Coal Tit
- ホオジロ|Meadow Bunting
- カケス|Eurasian Jay
- カワセミ|Kingfisher
- キビタキ|Narcissus Flycatcher
- コゲラ|Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
- コサメビタキ|Asian Brown Flycatcher
- ミソサザイ|Eurasian Wren
- オオルリ|Blue-and-White Flycatcher
- サンコウチョウ|Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
- シジュウカラ|Great Tit(=Japanese Tit)
- ウグイス|Japanese Bush Warbler
- あとがき|Wrap-UP
”花鳥風月”カレンダー壁紙…『鳥』|Wallpapers of Birds
ハシビロガモ|Northern Shoveler

カワガラス|Brown Dipper

ツバメ|Barn Swallow

ササゴイ|Striated Heron

エナガ|Long-Tailed Tit

ヒガラ|Coal Tit

ホオジロ|Meadow Bunting

カケス|Eurasian Jay


キビタキ|Narcissus Flycatcher

「Narcissus Flycatcher」という英語名は、水仙の花を表すギリシャ語のナルシス=ナルキッソス(Narcissus)に由来します。キビタキのオスの羽毛が、この花の色(黄色や白色)に似ていることから、水仙の花との類似性に基づく「Narcissus」という言葉が使用されていると考えられます。
About the English name of the Narcissus Flycatcher
The English name “Narcissus Flycatcher” is derived from the Greek word “Narcissus” which means daffodil. It is believed that the word “Narcissus” based on the similarity between the color (yellow or white) of the male feathers of the Narcissus Flycatcher and that of the daffodil flower.
At the same time, Narcissus is also a character in Greek mythology and it is well known that the word “narcissist” was born from his being obsessed with himself.
Narcissus was a beautiful young man. One day, he stopped by a stream to drink water in a forest and saw his own reflection in the water. He became obsessed with his own beauty and fell in love with his own reflection in the water.
Narcissus became so obsessed with chasing his own reflection in the water that he eventually lost sight of himself and died by the stream. It is said that beautiful flowers bloomed at that spot, which were daffodils.
It is believed that this legend became the origin of the name of daffodils. Also, the word “narcissism” used in psychoanalysis to describe being obsessed with oneself also comes from this legend.
コゲラ|Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

コサメビタキ|Asian Brown Flycatcher

ミソサザイ|Eurasian Wren

オオルリ|Blue-and-White Flycatcher

サンコウチョウ|Japanese Paradise Flycatcher


シジュウカラ|Great Tit(=Japanese Tit)

ウグイス|Japanese Bush Warbler

I created the May 2023 calendar wallpapers using my own bird photographs. Inspired by the beauty of these winged creatures, I designed them with a seasonal touch.
Calendar wallpapers are an essential item for me while working on my computer, and I wanted to share them with you all so you can enjoy them too. I hope you’ll decorate your desktop with your favorite bird photos.
Through creating these bird calendar wallpapers, I rediscovered the beauty and charm of birds. I will continue to support them through photography while cherishing their existence.