Following the Melodic Chirping and Meeting the Narcissus Flycatcher again!
I tried staking out the spot where I had encountered a beautiful adult male Narcissus Flycatcher yesterday, hoping that it might become a ideal point to take pictures of them this season.
As expected, an adult male bird that seemed to be yesterday’s Narcissus Flycatcher appeared.
If this male bird gets used to our presence, it may become a great shooting point for Narcissus Flycatchers.
I’m looking forward to what happens next.
花鳥風月…『鳥』|Beauties of Nature:Birds
コサメビタキ|Brown Flycatcher
I got my first Brown Flycatcher of the season!

ヤマガラ|Varied Tit

キビタキ|Narcissus Flycatcher

It’s a young male with a still white breast. It’s rare to come across an individual like this, so even though the location where I took the photo is completely different, it might be the same male I photographed on the 19th.

ハシビロガモ|Northern Shoveler
Two Northern Shovelers, which were thought to have migrated on the 20th two days ago, have returned. It’s a mystery.

I’m very satisfied that I was able to capture the Narcissus Flycatcher as expected, but on the other hand, I’m concerned that the number of wild birds I’ve been seeing during birdwatching has been lower this year.
Other birdwatchers seem to have the same impression.
We’ll have to be a little more patient and see how things go, but this trend seems to be the same whether it’s in a park or in the mountains.