Scenic Views of Busily Feeding Coal Tits
I took pictures of coal tits diligently feeding its chicks in my favorite mountain field today. I wanted to use the blooming Benibana Yamashakuyaku growing beside it to create a picture with a blurred foreground. The purpose is to express a “landscape with birds” like a Japanese painting of birds and flowers, even though the main character coal tit is small in the picture.
今日のベストショット|Best Shot of the Day
There were more than 10 Benibana Yamashakuyaku flowers blooming, but only one was suitable for creating a good composition with a blurred foreground. The season of the flowers is fleeting, so I focused on taking pictures of “Coal Tits feeding their chicks” and gave up on taking pictures of other birds. As a result, I took nearly 1000 pictures of this scene. From those pictures, I selected the best shot of today considering factors such as focus, resolution, background, lighting, and the balance between the coal tit and the flower in the composition.

当日に撮影した写真を1点だけ紹介したい(or 1点だけしか紹介できない)場合のために、「今日の1枚」というカテゴリーを新しく設けました。
I created a new category called “Photo of the Day” for cases where I want to or am able to introduce only one picture taken on that day.